How To Generate and Download Backup.

On every cPanel account, backup is made easy for all users.

You simply login to the cPanel and under files segment there is a BACKUP tab. Click on BACKUP > Download a Full Website backup >> Generate Backup >>> and allow the backup to finish generating, this depends on the number of files you have. Large files may take longer time than the small ones. You can close the page if you cannot wait and the backup will continue.

It will be in progress and after the completion, click on the backup zipped file to download.

The zipped file can be move and stored for future uses as security for the site in case of any issue that require a backup restore.

You can do the same for a migration from one server to another and upload the zipped file to the new server after restoring, your site and files will be on the new server.

Note that you have to generate a new backup anytime you upload new file to the remote server and have all your files backed up.

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